New York Times Puts Launch Point of Chem Weapons Rockets Inside Rebel Contested Area

Posted by Admin On Thursday 29 August 2013 0 comments
by Scott Creighton
The New York Times is attempting to bolster John Kerry’s baseless claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on their own people and in doing so, they seem to have provided some hard evidence to the contrary.
Combine that with recent images and video of the FSA “rebels” making and using 120mm mortar rounds in Syria and you have compelling evidence that if chemical weapons were used in Syria, then it was the US backed “rebels” who did it and not the Assad regime.
Means, motive and opportunity. The basic tenets of any investigation.


This is an image taken from an article in the New York Times which purports to show the location of the site where the rockets were launched.
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Notice that the Times puts the “disputed areas” note far below that location but the fact is, both Qaboun and Jobar are currently disputed areas according to this up-to-date interactive map:
The map clearly shows the presence of our destabilization terrorists in those areas where the rockets were supposedly launched from. Right in the center of those three contested areas, to be exact.
The interactive map also shows that Muadamiya, the location where the UN inspection team was shot at, is also “contested” by the terrorists.
All of these areas are currently accessed by the FSA “rebels” which gives them the opportunity to commit this crime.


It’s important to note the scale on the upper right side of the NYT image. It shows the that the impact zone is roughly a mile and a half from the suspected launch site, which is well within the range of rebel weapons like these.
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“The Syrian rebels have no one source for their weapons and have had to scrape together their arsenal in various ways. Here, Abdel Hakim Yassin, a rebel commander in northern Syria, inspects a Yugoslav illumination mortar round that was brought to him by an Iraqi arms dealer.” NPR 2012
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“Terrorist gangs have carried out series of attacks against civilians residents in Homs city, what resulted in martyrs and injuries.
The attacks have been initiated along with Syrian Army’s advance in the neighborhoods of Homs such as al-Khalidia and Bab Hood, where insurgents have shelled a local-made missil on Radio and TV center in Karm al-Shami area.
Moreover, militants have fired tens of the mortar shells on Ekrama and al-Zahraa neighborhoods, what resulted in many martyrs and injuries.” July 18, 2013
That mortar launcher pictured in the July 2013 article, is clearly capable of reaching the areas supposedly struck by the chemical weapons attack.
It looks like a version of an Israeli Soltam K6 120mm mortar system with a range of 23,750 ft. or 4.1 miles. It could also be an older General Dynamics M120 system.  Either way, it is clearly a long range, heavy mortar launcher, probably of the 120mm variety.
Whatever the make and model of the system that is in possession of the “rebel” forces, the target area is clearly within range and the fact that the area of the suspected launch is currently at least partially controlled by the “rebel” forces, casts serious doubts on Mr. Kerry’s baseless conclusions.
Below is a video of FSA “rebels” using 120mm mortar launchers in Syria posted by the rebels themselves back in March of this year.

Here is a video posted in March as well, showing the “rebels” making their own rounds for the 120mm mortar launcher. As you can see, they are capable of putting whatever they want inside the shell.

These videos and the maps provided by the New York Times and others show the FSA “rebels” certainly have the means by which they could have carried out the chemical weapons attacks if indeed they did occur.


The motive is obvious and hardly needs repeating. These hired mercenaries desperately want to create the pretext for an all out NATO bombing of Syria. They have failed in their terrorism campaign to overthrow the Assad government and they are desperate to create the “red line” that the Obama administration needs for further intervention.



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