Behind Epicenter of Terrorism

Posted by Admin On Tuesday 15 October 2013 0 comments

India Finances Terrorism in Pakistan: Chuck Hagel
India Finances Terrorism in Pakistan: Chuck Hagel

By Sadaf Zamir

The premeditated progression of propaganda against Pakistan in the form of obdurate comment alleging that Pakistan is presently an epicenter of terrorism was aptly put forth, at the forum where it could receive utmost approbation. It may seem quite true on the face of it, but what needs to be explored and brought forward are the dramatis personae continually promulgating this and to analyze behind the scenes ground work shaped during the last decade.
Pakistan is the only country subjected for several years to continuous drone attacks which are also termed by some reviewers as ‘State sponsored assassinations by US’. While the figures of casualties vary on drone attacks, from US official sites versus Pakistan government and independent bodies, there is consensus on some independent analysis. As of Dec 10, 2012, there were total 351 drone attacks in Pakistan, killing 2590 people including 176 children and injuring 3228 people. Since then there have been more than twenty strikes in 2013 alone killing more civilians and children. Not a single victim has was ever accused of any specific crime or allowed to answer those charges before an impartial judge — constitutional rights guaranteed to all persons.
According to a CIVIC (Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict) report ” Equally heartbreaking is the psychological toll. One need not have his or her home destroyed, or a loved one killed, by a drone strike to be traumatized. The mere sound of an approaching drone, in fact, can be just as devastating as its detonation. I have heard Pakistanis speak about children in the tribal areas who become hysterical when they hear the characteristic buzz of a drone. “ the report also mentioned that drones frequently “hum overhead” 24 hours a day, and that six of them sometimes linger above the same area — “often flying close to the ground and putting people in constant fear of being hit.” Imagine the effect this has on psyches, and particularly on young ones already scarred by war and displacement. In this regard, it is pertinent to mention here that Malala Yousafzai represents not only young victims of suicide attacks but also the damage done directly or indirectly due to drones.
Research also tells us that the innocent people who are traumatized in similar ways living under continuous threat are the softest targets for psychological enticement. Those who want to avenge their loved ones killed by drones including babies, women and aged family members may therefore be particularly prone. It has time and again been emphasized by the analysts as well as the political leaders in Pakistan that  drone attacks are a major cause as well as a claim of justification for terrorist assaults. If the impacts of terrorism and suicide attacks in Pakistan are analyzed in terms of benefactors, one can speedily come to the conclusion that most of the so-called Taliban merely act as marionette and are serving foreign connivers who engineer, coax and  trigger suicide attacks.
In addition, the earlier observations of many analysts are now being established in the form of hard core facts based on recent evidences that terrorism is one major form of covert war orchestrated by external enemies of Pakistan. Not only behind some terrorist groups and parties in Karachi, but also behind many factions of so-called Talibans, teeming support  from across Pakistan’s borders in the form of tactical planning, design, finances, equipment and weapons  has always existed, which has significantly amplified during the last decade. Most of the spying equipment, weapons and various forms of sophisticated and crude ammo used in terrorism are apparently being supplied through Afghanistan borders. It is worthwhile to note here that there is a multitude of Indian Consulates as well as intelligence offices near Pakistan borders. One may wonder on the aims and objectives of establishing  three consulates and some three dozen facilitation cum intelligence centers just on Afghan-Pakistan border. The direct borders with Pakistan do not have as many offices or consulates. Obviously, there is no Indian civilians there who need to be facilitated through these offices. As once also declared by Ex-President Parvaiz Musharraf,  “What is the interest of India in these two consulates (at Kandhar and Jalalabad), nothing other than carrying out, aiding, abetting terrorism in Pakistan — stabbing Pakistan in the back”. It can very easily be inferred that foreign nationals with unclear motives and perhaps the merchandise coming, in the name of trade to Pakistan through Afghanistan, are extraneously facilitated than through direct borders. This may aid in further understanding what the facilitated foreign nationals may be doing for several years just in the border areas of Pakistan including Waziristan, Dir and Chamman.
On top of everything is the fact that whenever the leadership in Pakistan gets close to dealing peacefully and negotiating with so-called Talibans, there is colossal hue and cry globally, many are prompted at local forums in saying that the factions of taliban are not identifiable, which ones are required to join the negotiation table or perhaps they are not worth it. On the other hand, the drone attacks and the suicide attacks come quickly into play such that the negotiating parties become astringent again. Recently, the suicide attack on one major group by another so-called taliban faction, may suffice to give food for thought to people who are still in doubt. The need is to clearly flesh out the foreign involvement behind the most controversial and damaging episodes of the recent past.
Climate warfare is also alleged to have played a vital role in achieving maligned designs in Pakistan, starting from 2005 earthquake in Mansehra and Kashmir to most of the floods and the recent two earthquakes at the 7.8 intensity in Quetta and Sindh. Mansehra and Kashmir still have many foreigners who came as relief workers and engineers. Needless to emphasize global interest in the Reqo-Diq mines and usage of border belt of Pakistan for its significance as trade corridor from Waziristan to Chamman to Gwadar. Interestingly, the epicenters have been where our enemies could have most wished.
a. November 11, 2010 
b. The Hindu


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