By Sajjad Shaukat
During the last two decades, political experts have already been saying that the US which is acting upon a secret strategy, wants to make India the superpower of Asia to counter China, now this game has openly been disclosed by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who was on three-day trip to India.
In this regard, on July 20 this year, Hillary Clinton urged India to be more assertive in Asia, saying that the country should play more of a leadership role. She explained, “India has the potential to positively shape the future of the Asia-Pacific.” Clinton further said, “India should play a role as a US ally in regional forums such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).” On the other hand, while showing US paradoxical approach towards Pakistan, and concealing American double game, She remarked, “New Delhi could also help promote trade links in violence-wracked South Asia, which would bring prosperity and peace to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan…Pakistan must do more to tackle terror groups operating from its territory being used for attacks that destabilise Afghanistan or India.”
In 2010, US President Barrack Obama’s visit to India had left a negative impact on the whole region. He announced $10 billion in trade deals with New Delhi to create more than 50,000 US jobs, declared the measures, America would take regarding removal of Indian space and defence companies from a restricted “entities list”, and supported Indian demand for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. Owing to various agreements with New Delhi, India will purchase latest defence-related equipments from Washington.
America which signed a nuclear deal with India in 2008, intends to make India a great power of Asia to contain China and destablise Pakistan and Iran.
On the other side, by ignoring Sino-Pakistan peace-approach, on October 15, 2010, Indian Army Chief General VK Singh had openly blamed that China and Pakistan posed a major threat to India’s security, while calling for a need to upgrade country’s defence. Indian former Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor had also expressed similar thoughts.
In fact, Pakistan’s province, Balochistan where China has invested billion of dollars to develop Gwadar seaport which could link Central Asian trade with rest of the world, infuriates both US and India. With the help of India, US desires to control Balochistan as an independent state in containing China and restraining Iran. It is due to these reasons that Washington and New Delhi are creating instability in Pakistan by backing Baloch separatists to complete their hidden strategic agenda. In this connection, the separatist group, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) gets logistic support from India, while another American and Indian-backed separatist group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) is also working against the cordial relationship of Pakistan with China and Iran. In the past few years, their militants kidnapped and killed many Chinese and Iranian nationals in Pakistan, while committing other subversive acts in the province. In this respect, on October 18, 2009, a deadliest suicide attack had killed dozens of officers in the Sistan-Baluchistan. On December 15, 2010, two suicide bombers blew themselves up near a mosque in southeastern Iran, killing at least 39 people. In both the cases, Iran had directly accused US and its CIA for patronage and funding of that type of terrorist attacks.
It is of particular attention that Islamabad and Tehran have signed the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline project without New Delhi as the latter was reluctant in this matter owing to its pro-US tilt.
Under the pretext of Talibinisation of Afghanistan and Pakistan, American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad have well-established their networks in Afghanistan from where well-trained militants are being sent to Pakistan to commit various terror-acts. Besides, in the past few weeks, these foreign secret agencies have also started backing heavily armed insurgents who enter Pakistan from Afghanistan and continue attacks on our country’s infrastructure and military check posts intermittently. As a matter of fact, before leaving Afghanistan, US is determined to shift Afghan war to Pakistan so as to weaken the country in wake of a perennial wave of CIA-operated drone attacks by ignoring the public backlash.
In fact, Pakistan is the only ‘nuclearised’ country in the Islamic World. Hence US, India and Israel either want to destabilise it or to ‘denulearise’ it. In this respect, US also takes Islamabad as an obstacle in obtaining its Asian designs by boasting up Indian role.
It is mentionable that in the recent past, more than 180 persons died in ethnic riots occurred in Urumqi, the capital of China’s Xinjiang province. In fact, New Delhi which has given shelter to the Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama and his militants has been playing a key role in supporting upsurge in the Tibetan and Muslim areas of China. Knowing the US-Indian secret aims, China has signed a number of agreements with Islamabad to help the latter in diverse sectors. And Chinese engineers are working on multiple projects in Pakistan. However, Washington has further emboldened India to keep on going with human rights violations in India and the occupied Kashmir—to continue its anti-Pakistan and anti-China designs.
Besides, American strategic thinkers presume China’s fast-growing economy and military modernization including its cooperation with Iran, Middle East and other African countries as a great threat to American interests.
Nevertheless, in its pursuit to make India a great power of Asia, US is likely to initiate a new cold war between China and India, and will divide the world between two blocks—China block and the US-backed Indian block. Main players of the game such as North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and Asian Republics are likely to align with China alliance. On the other side, Japan, Georgia, Ukraine, South Korea will join the US-backed Indian block. After the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, the latter could also join the China block. As regards Russia, apart from differences over American occupation of Iraq and its national missile defence system (NMD), differences exists between Moscow and Washington over the US-led NATO’s attack on Libya. So Russia could join the China block as a leading member.
It is noteworthy that it is due to the US ill-conceived policy that it will compel India and China to follow the bygone days of the Cold War—deadly arms race, increase in the defence expenditures at the cost of development of public sectors and proxy wars including all the tactics of psychological warfare in wake of the modern world trends like renunciation of war, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development.
Meanwhile terrorism is likely to add a dangerous element of ‘hot war’ to the future cold war. In this regard, an unending ‘different war’ between the sovereign and non-sovereign entities in Afgahanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen etc. and other Middle East countries will make the matter worse. All these negative developments are likely create political and economic instability in Asia where some less developed countries are already facing multi-faceted crises at various level, but these will also envelop the developed countries such as Japan, South Korea etc.
Even India will badly be affected by following American such a strategy. India has already been facing separatism in more than seven states where terrorist incidents have become a routine matter. In case of Maoist insurgency, it has increased to a greater extent. On September 21, 2009, even Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had admitted that the Maoist “insurgency is the single biggest threat to India’s security” and, “Maoist violence affects a third of all districts…India is losing the battle against the rebels.” As regards the Indian-held Kashmir, Indian forces have failed in suppressing the freedom movement by employing all the possible tactics of military terrorism. Besides, fundamentalist parties like BJP, RSS, VHP, Shev Sina and Bajrang Dal have missed no opportunity to communalise national politics of India, posing another major threat to the country. Notably, on July 17, this year, Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh called for investigations into the role of all Indian terror groups in relation to serial blasts in Mumbai, adding, “RSS runs bomb-making factories to spread terrorism in the country, and its role should be probed.”
New Delhi must also know that militants are well-organised from Somalia to Afghanistan and from Uzbekistan to the Occupied Kashmir. So after withdrawal of the US-led NATO forces from Afghanistan, these insurgents will not only roll back Indian networks from that country, but could also create unrest inside India.
Nonetheless, it looks surprising that by learning no lesson from a prolonged war against terrorism, defeatism in Iraq and Afghanistan, heavy cost of war, acute financial crisis inside America, as to why the US has nourished designs to destabilise Asia by entagnling India and China in a new cold war, which will unltimately damage American regional and global interests.
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