The US Justice Department shows how just it is.
The news of the arrest of Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, a peace promoter by United States authorities has come as a shock wave among the Kashmiris living across the globe. This icon of peace is a US national, though originally hailed from the Indian Occupied Kashmir. He is residing in US since many decades and has largely contributed towards the US economy. The charges that the US Justice Department has levelled on Dr. Fai are regretful. He has been accused of getting money from ISI and using that to influence US lawmakers for the promotion of Kashmir cause in US against the Indian occupation. The list of charges is really funny and humiliating. Kashmiri never expected that a super power of US stature who considered herself as the biggest protector of the human rights in the world could behave like this. This indeed is the most unjust arrest; the US Justice Department has ever undertaken.
By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan

Upon critically analysing the arrest of Dr. Fai, one would find that the incident has many deliberate US designs attached with it. First in the series is, the timings of the arrest. Dr. GN Fai has been in U.S for years and years, and has been peacefully promoting the Kashmir cause through conferences, seminars, dialogues and at time through peaceful demonstrations to awake the world conscious for the rightful cause of Kashmiris against unjust Indian occupation and repressive acts of Indian security forces on helpless Kashmiri masses. How US Government suddenly discovered that Dr. Fai is being funded by ISI, why they were silent for so many years if at all such an act was being committed. Apart from money, is promoting Kashmir cause by a Kashmiri should be forming part of a crime? US and civilized world, rather should have appreciated the peaceful promotion of the Kashmir. It is worth mentioning that over twenty Indian lobbies are active in US, UK and many other European countries to create misperception on Kashmir and about Pakistan, why US Justice Department is not arresting them. Just because CIA, RAW and Mossad have joint venture to defame Kashmir cause and Pakistani political and moral support for that.
The timings of the arrest is significant as the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was on her four days tour to India, where she was to please the host by demonstrating as if US is really serious to promote bilateral relations with India at any cost, may that be the negation of its previous commitment to a lawful cause. The arrest by US Justice Department has been done in conjunction with CIA to please India, where US could see for it many future aims and objectives. Indeed, through out during the cold war US has been lending its help for the Kashmir cause and by supporting the UN resolutions, had made many commitments with people of Kashmir to allow them their right of self determination, as provided in the UN Charter. Since Dr. Fai was only promoting the just cause of Kashmiris, as per UN resolutions therefore, by arresting him, U.S has indirectly negated its own commitment for promotion of relationship with an oppressor. The civilized people of United States must be cognizant of this great negation by a particular group of US.
The second significant aspect related with this arrest is the ongoing row of tension between CIA and ISI. Again, the timings are very important. Through this deliberate act, the US intelligence set up; CIA and FBI, desired to humiliate the ISI, by maligning it everywhere and anywhere to cause an embarrassment. This indeed, is part of US retaliation against ISI, after it opposed the release of a CIA operative, Raymand Davis on multiple charges of murders and spying in Lahore, towards the beginning of this year. The US raid and subsequent defaming campaign of CIA led US media and officials including Mr. Panetta, the current Defence Secretary are part this malicious campaign. Indeed, since the event of Raymond Davis, Pakistani Government and its defence establishment has taken certain security measures and has asked US to call back its undesired elements from Pakistani soil. This group of unwanted US nationals include; CIA operatives involved in anti-Pakistan activities and some of US trainers, no more needed by the defence institutions.
Indeed, ISI was suspicious of the undesired activities of these covert CIA operatives and even US trainers. In some cases, linkages have been found between these US operatives and the terrorists including the TTP elements. Even Raymond Davis had linkages with many Taliban and other terrorist commanders in FATA area. Most of these CIA operatives were supporting those terrorists who were directly involved in the act of terrorist attacks and bombing the sensitive installations of Pakistan including armed forces and the Government installations. Some of the linkages have been traced where CIA and RAW are jointly operating to internally destabilise Pakistan.
This destabilization of Pakistan indeed designed to attain three objectives. One; to secure a space for India in Afghanistan, where Pakistani opposition could be minimum, thus giving India a free hand to do anything in that country and against Pakistan using Afghan soil. This is based on the idea of an extended neighbourhood, where India after by passing Pakistan could establish itself in Afghanistan and from there to Central Asia and Caspian. While being in Afghanistan, it would be able to pose security threats on the Western borders of Pakistan. Two; to neutralize Pakistan to an extent where it stop pursuing the Kashmir cause. This is evident from a recent statement of Indian Premier Dr Manmohan Singh, who said that Pakistan would not pursue the Kashmir cause, as it is too much involved in its own internal problems. This statement of Indian premier itself is a proof of Indian involvement in the domestic instability of Pakistan. Three; US desire that Pakistan should combat only those militants who are anti Americans and follow US lines, rather protecting its own security. Furth more, Pakistan should have no role in any future set up of Afghanistan. Since as a sovereign state, Pakistan too desire to protect its national interests, therefore, it has contested the US designs, thus its premium intelligence is being accused of making agents for influencing US lawmakers.
The third implication indeed would be serious, as US is inviting trouble for itself. The secretary of the State has asked India to play an assertive role across the Asia-Pacific, forming half of the globe. This would be an open challenge to the authority of the major global and regional actors, who desire a peace in this region. By pitching India against these countries would mean promoting a conflict in the Asia-Pacific. Otherwise, US is promoting India to contain the rising power China. Since Pakistan is all weather ally and time trusted Chinese friend, therefore, US and India jointly would degrade and defame it to an extent that, it should look inwards, rather pursuing other global issues like Kashmir and India should feel free to act globally on behest of US.
Towards the conclusion of her visit, the madam Secretary of State made very dubious remarks, once she said that, that India and U.S has commonality in their record of human rights. She might have made these remarks in any context, however, the reality of the matter is that, India has killed over 93000 Kahmiris since 1990 and its Army has raped over 9000 Kashmir women of all age brackets, besides many missing Kashmiris and those who are in Indian jails and other torture centres. Similarly, U.S has its hands full with the blood of millions of Iraqis and Afghans. Everyone knows, what happened in Abu Gharib jail in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay and Bagram Base in Afghanistan. Now U.S is extensively killing Arabs and North African Muslims (Libyans) for the possession of hydrocarbons. Thus, both India and U.S have similar record of human rights violations may it be Kashmir, Arab world or the poor Afghan? Furthermore, arrest of Dr GN Fai is the biggest violation of human rights.
Now, it is to the visualization of the people of United States and India too to know the negative activities of their ruling classes and more specific to their spying agencies. Instead of giving peace a chance, they are arresting the peace promoters for their vested interests. Kahmiris would like to promote peace and mutual co-existance in this region, currently marred by instability and conflicts, owing to unresolved nature of Kashmir. Let us give peace a chance to prevail as; there has been lot of bloodshed of Kashmiris at the hands of Indian security forces in IHK. If peace-loving people like Dr Fai are arrested for other gains then it should be remembered that US and India are promoting violence and pushing Kashmiris to the walls. This would compel Kashmiris to rethink their peaceful political struggle and restart their armed struggle for their rightful cause, as given to them by UN Charter and UN resolutions.
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