"The only sin that people do is walking in the darkness"
Since long time ago cabals have planned to destroy America, as a matter of fact it would be the easiest way to bankrupt the economy across the world.Collapsing America many good people's business across the world will be broken and middle class will almost disappear.
Banks from different parts of the world dont accept dollars already and its not because mexican people is laundering money everywhere(in all the countries). The plot is introducing a global currency.
As you may know, there are 13 bloodline families that have intermarried among them. It has been the way to increase their wealth be powerful. Bushs,England's Queen, etc. This Queen is the one that controls USA and more since Bush was USA's president.
Going back history, USA's land was from indians tribes and when England conquered USA, these people killed a lot of indians.Since then zionism is the goverment inside the goverment.The Dracos rule behind all of them.
From long time ago, zionism has been using USA, they are continuing Hitlers job. They think they are the best of the whole world and they have the right to own the earth.
In addition, the wars and actual revolts have been created for all of them and the purpose is dismanteling the economy in USA. They know that people is waking up and they built 600 concentration camps all over USA.These places are empty yet.
To continue, many people have been loosing their jobs and houses and the ones to refuse to leave their houses are taken to jail.The situation there is not so easy either, the people dont know what to do. As Egypt did and many countries have done, they have been taking the streets. The people is trying to save their land for the collapse. Americans, mexicans, indians, south americans,etc. who live there are being united in these critical moments.Thanks God good soldiers said that they will be with the citizens not against them.
Mainstream media is owned by the cabal and Soros (like CNN) and many others. You loose time watching tv news, they wont give you the real information.In the other hand,they dont employ sharp minded people and real journalists who are going to see whats going on.
This battle is just starting but really began since September 11/2001.They are always using false flags to comouflage their atrocities. Every secret society is part of this plot, even the Shriners from arabic countries are in this evil issue.
Every secret society knows by heart the Holy Bible, Quran, Torah and satanic bible of course. According to them, everything they do or make is Gods will.
In my point of view,an easy way to rule and control the world throughout religion because there are many fanatic people across the world.
To conclude,if USA collapses the whole world is going to suffer the consecuences for everything, in that Country there arent only americans, there are many people who live there and send money to their families.Zionism(nazi) will take advantage while your countries are fighting between each other.Remember, divided we lose, united we are free.
Adriana Y. Herrera Delgado (your Angel Adi)
"Being curious is the key for everything"
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