"Hacked" again? Reuters reports Obama takes Al Qaeda off terrorist list, reveals support since 80s

Posted by FS On Sunday, 5 August 2012 0 comments

UPDATE 14:00 UTC: Reuters Middle East Twitter account has been suspended by Twitter now. Unconfirmed reports on social media say another Reuters Twitter account, @ReutersTech, was hacked and its name changed to @ReutersME after which the below messages appeared.
UPDATE 2: Reuters now also confirms this on Twitter.
"Obama takes Al Qaeda off List of terrorist organisation, says Al Qaeda no longer a threat to US interests", reportsReuters Middle East on Sunday morning via Twitter, followed by: "Friends all along: Obama signs executive order to release classified info that US never stopped funding Al Qaeda since 80's".
Other "tweets" claim that the American president signed an executive order that bans any further investigation of the 9/11 events and that "White house spokesperson says financial and technical support given to  operatives in."
In one of the articles which appeared after the alleged hack, Reuters New York correspondent Liana B. Baker reveals that terrorists of the so-called Free Syrian Army prepare to smuggle chemical weapons from Libya into Syria via Turkey.
Two other Reuters articles that allegedly were fake, report that the Syrian "rebel" resistance collapses in the key suburbs of Aleppo, as well as that a leader of the rebel terrorists has stated that the Free Syrian Army "tactically withdrew" from Aleppo province.
All three "fake" articles have been taken off soon after publication.
Reuters Middle East Twitter messages:


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