Israel’s strategic holocaust

Posted by FS On Saturday, 30 November 2013 0 comments
Mahmoud Khousa was 13 when he died. He was killed last November by an Israeli drone-fired missile on the last day of Operation Pillar of Defence, an eight-day Israeli military offensive on the Gaza Strip. More than 30 Palestinian children were killed. Yet one year...

“No war, no sanctions, no insult, no surrender” chant Iranians

Posted by FS On Saturday, 30 November 2013 0 comments
On a cold autumn day, people waited for long hours at the airport to welcome the men behind the deal. Senior government officials, members of parliament and most importantly, a large crowd of ordinary Iranians were among those welcoming home Iran’s nuclear negotiating team....

Re-mapping the Middle East

Posted by FS On Saturday, 30 November 2013 0 comments
Synopsis The agreement to resolve the Iranian nuclear programme could rewrite the political map of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as strengthen the US pivot to Asia. It could also reintegrate Iran into the international community as a legitimate regional power. Commentary IF...

Pakistan’s Dilemma: Choosing Justice or Lawlessness

Posted by FS On Saturday, 30 November 2013 0 comments
Innocent victims of drone strikes wait in vain for humanity to choose justice over lawlessness. Ashraf, like his father, makes clay-pots for a paltry living in his village in North Waziristan. He has wrinkled skin, sun-scorched hands, and perpetually moist eyes; at least ever since...

On rogue intelligence agencies

Posted by FS On Saturday, 30 November 2013 0 comments
For a while now, the premier intelligence agency of a nuclear armed state has been conducting itself in a dangerous manner. The agency has spent enormous amounts of money to carry out terrorist activities on foreign soil, destabilise democratic governments in an attempt to increase...

An Appraisal Of Pakistan’s Entertainment Industry

Posted by FS On Friday, 29 November 2013 5 comments
Pakistan’s entertainment industry has been on a continuous path of decline for the past few decades,barring some developments and hits every now and then. The strict censorship laws enforced under Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization program dealt a deathly blow to the progressive and forward-looking...

Pakistan’s Regulatory Framework Doesn’t Work!

Posted by FS On Friday, 29 November 2013 0 comments
BY SHEMREZ NAUMAL AFZAL Under the Musharraf regime,starting from 2002 onwards (after elections to the national and provincial assemblies were held),many new regulatory bodies and mechanisms were set up at the federal level so as to allow greater and more efficient government oversight...
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