SPY EYES website launched

Posted by Admin On Sunday, 28 April 2013 0 comments
By the Grace of Almighty Allah (SWT), Team SPY EYES proudly announce the launch of its website. The website will provide news from all over the world, analysis, articles and much more.  Website is still under construction, its the BETA version and changes will be made...


Posted by Admin On Saturday, 27 April 2013 0 comments
Erik Rush and others who hastened to scapegoat Muslims for the Boston Marathon bombing are ignorant of the religion. I can’t understand why people who have never so much as read a book about a subject appoint themselves experts on it. We don’t yet know who carried out the attack,...

Of Aisha’s age at marriage

Posted by Admin On Saturday, 27 April 2013 0 comments
IT is said that Hazrat Aisha was six years old when her nikah was performed with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah, and nine years old when she moved in to live with her husband in Madina after Hijra. This piece of misinformation has led to the wrong view that child marriage has...

Analysis: A Perpetual Haunting

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 1 comments
The worst fears and apprehensions of the nation are finding the force of logic as PSO’s creditworthiness in the international market is becoming questionable. News of the state-owned enterprise struggling to come out of its sad pecuniary state has attracted the attention of many...

Bush’s politics vs. Obama’s

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 0 comments
That was the message that then Texas Gov. George W. Bush ran on when he sought the presidency in 2000, a mantra that was aimed at re-inventing the Republican party by casting it as caring and committed to core values, more interested in uniting than dividing. “We will...

Pak Navy’s dreams for modernization crumbling

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 0 comments
Beset with monetary woes and a tenuous relationship with the US, Pakistan’s naval modernization plans appear to be faltering with the hoped for acquisition of further surplus US equipment now unlikely. Former Australian defense attaché to Pakistan, Brian Cloughley, says Pakistan’s...

Why the liberals have gone silent on Libya?

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 0 comments
One of the book’s accomplishments is its comprehensive demolition of the war’s supposed justifications. Forte shows us that there was no “mass rape” committed by “Gaddafi forces” – as alleged by US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan Rice, former...

America’s amnesia problem

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 0 comments
Marx mused that history first appears as tragedy and then as farce. That may not apply to America, as we are too often amnesia prone when it comes to history.  Our ability to ignore or forget history is legion. Three cases underscore this point. A popular critique of today’s...

N Korea’s nuclear device explosion speaks volumes

Posted by Admin On Friday, 26 April 2013 0 comments
Despite – or perhaps because of – strong international pressure, North Korea conducted its most powerful nuclear test to date. Now analysts say that hopes for improved relations are on hold. Despite strong international pressure, even from ally China, North Korea tested...
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