Last week, the hacker organization “Anonymous,” symbolized by the famous “Guy Fawkes” mask, hacked Israel’s Mossad.
By Gordon Duff
"After all, who is better to carry out acts of terrorism than an organization with 30,000 covert operatives around the world, almost all trained...
This is James Corbett of with the last word on Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden was one of the 54 children of Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, a construction magnate who made his fortune by cozying up to the royal family of Saudi Arabia. The bin Laden family has had...
Top spy agencies told the Supreme Court on Tuesday that Pakistan has lost 49,000 lives since the apocalyptic attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon in the United States on September 11, 2001. Interestingly, government agencies had put the fatality figure at 40,000 in earlier...
The ancient Greeks advocated walking backwards into the future with your eyes fixed on the past. We are not ancient Greeks and our style is to put the past behind us, forget it and go forth boldly into areas where no one has ventured before. What else can explain the predicament...

Panchabibi, Jessore: Where the Mukti Bahni massacred 1 million Biharis
The ghosts of Bengal are describing the truth. News about the massacres carried out by the Mukti Bahani are coming to the light. Sarmila Bose, the grand daughter of one of the greatest freedom fighters of...