Total Casualties – Iraq & Afghanistan Civilians, US Military, and September 11th
Statistical Comparisons
Iraq experiences 27.79 Fort Hood shootings a day and averages the equivalent casualties of September 11th every 8.23 days.
Afghanistan experiences 1 Fort Hood shooting...
Report claims just one in fifty victims of ‘surgical’ US strikes in Pakistan are known militants. Jerome Taylor reports on a deadly new strategy.
Late in the evening on 6 June this year an unmanned drone was flying high above the Pakistani village of Datta Khel in north Waziristan.
The CIA’s programme of “targeted” drone killings in Pakistan’s tribal heartlands is politically counterproductive, kills large numbers of civilians and undermines respect for international law, according to a report by US academics.
The study by Stanford and New York universities’...
It’s pop-quiz time when it comes to the American way of war: three questions. Here’s the first of them, and good luck!
A few weeks ago, 200 US Marines began armed operations in…?:
a) Afghanistanb) Pakistanc) Irand) Somaliae) Yemenf) Central Africag) Northern...
Perhaps the most anticipated speech at this year’s UN General Assembly meeting will be that of Egypt’s new president, Mohammed Morsi. The annual heads-of-state palooza at Turtle Bay is generally a yawner where very little news is made. The Turkish delegation’s brawl with UN security...
A provocative ad which debuted last month in San Francisco is making its way to New York subways today.
Starting from Monday, September 24, 2012, as the UN General Assembly picks up momentum in New York and heads of states from around the world come to the Big Apple for their...