Syria: NATO Genocide Approaches

Posted by Admin On Wednesday, 30 November 2011 2 comments
By Tony Cartalucci BLN Contributing Writer Blatant lies told by alleged "human rights activists" led to ignominious NATO-sanctioned brutality and ultimately brought BP, Shell, Total-sponsored Petroleum Institute representative, Abdurrahim el-Keib, into power...

China's First Aircraft Carrier Starts Second Trial

Posted by Admin On Wednesday, 30 November 2011 0 comments
BEIJING - China's first aircraft carrier began its second sea trial on Nov. 29 after undergoing refurbishments and testing, the government said, as tensions over maritime territorial disputes in the region ran high.The 300-meter (990-foot) ship, a refitted former Soviet carrier called...

NATO attack was launched to rescue TTP militants

Posted by Admin On Wednesday, 30 November 2011 0 comments
Akhtar Jamal Islamabad—Military observers now believe that the NATO aircraft which attacked and killed 24 Pakistani soldiers were in fact sent to rescue the TTP terrorists who had been encircled by Pakistani forces near Silalah check posts. The defence observers...

Choice is no longer an alternative

Posted by Admin On Tuesday, 29 November 2011 0 comments
Response to the post ‘nudity, niqab and illusion of ‘free choice’ on express tribune blogs dated November 28, 2011Women’s exclusive politics is a subject oriented gimmickry, searching justification of ‘free will or free choice’. In a world like ours, conservatives have for...

American Intransigence and Pakistani Deception

Posted by Admin On Tuesday, 29 November 2011 0 comments
War on TerrorismMahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.“Some cynic might ask, why is it if we have invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, and are making incursions into Pakistan, that these other nations such as Russia could not, under any circumstances no matter what the reason, invade other...

US Attack on Pakistani Outpost - What Really Happened

Posted by Admin On Monday, 28 November 2011 0 comments
By Meinhaj Hussain, Bismillah ar-rahman ar-raheem. Midnight, on the 26th of November, a Pakistan Army post, manned by soldiers from the Azad Kashmir Regiment, detected movement in a valley below and adjacent to their check-post. The checkpoint is 2...
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